Conversations between a preacher's wife and God. Conversations here are offered as composites of various struggles facing minister's wives in general. This blog acts as a mirror into the mind of various trials faced by ministers' wives I've met along my journey as a pastor's wife of 26 years. Any statements used here are purely coincidental to anyone specifically. Once posted and printed all material is [copyrighted by SelahV, 2006].

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Lord, I'm so tired. I need to go to bed. Tomorrow's Your day. I need to be fresh and open to You. But I have so much on my mind.

Veterans Day. For several days now I've been watching stories and reports on TV about vets. I'm so very proud of those soldiers who've died for me to be free. I'm so grateful I was born in America, even though other countries hate us. I'm so proud to be an American, even though other Americans are ashamed to be Americans.

And I'm so concerned dear Lord about those young men and women serving around the world right now. Especially those in Iraq. I think about their families here in America. Please protect their children's hearts from pain. Give them comfort, Lord. Let them feel the warm embrace of Your love. And protect our military. What? The enemy? You mean the insurgents?

Oh Lord, I don't know. I don't think I can pray for their protection. I can pray for their hearts to change. Lord, help them see You. Let their eyes and hearts be opened. Let the scales of satan that blind them be removed. And...what? I can't Lord. I can't pray for you to bless them. Not tonite.

Didn't you see that young soldier who was killed over there? His family are Christians. They loved their son, their brother. I can pray that you bless them. But the ones who killed him? I just can't, Lord. What?

Yes, I know what your Word says. And I am praying for my enemies. I just can't see how You blessing them will help anything. No, Your ways are not my ways. And no, I'm not able to make the sun rise or the moon shine. Okay, Lord. I get the point. Please remove the scales from my eyes. Cause I simply can't see that right now.
[copyrighted, Dani Lee, SelahV, 2006]


At 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dani Lee,

Thank you for openly sharing your conversations with God. I have them too, and I'm always amazed at what the Lord teaches "me", when I think I'm telling Him something...LOL....I also love your sense of humor. :)

Love to you,

At 5:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rose, You are so precious. I find my truest self when I converse with God. It's with him I can truly remove my mask and be who I am. I cannot comprehend why he would want to listen to me go on and on. But he does. I talk to him all day long. About everything.
thanks for stopping by. If you get a chance sometime, stop by my other site. Just click on my name above. Dani Lee


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